About this blog

Some feelings are best expressed when written.. It gives you the freedom to think and the ability to relive that moment.. so here I go scribbling all those random feelings I experience..

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Its love and laughter.. and happiness ever after..

Marriages always bring in jitters.. be it planning for the wedding, or then thinking about how would life be later.. nothing seems to be pleasing the mind.. but that’s my current state of mind..

The entire family seems to be enjoying the whole process of endless shopping, planning and replanning the schedule of events, throwing in the most vaguest of ideas on the décor and having their minds go creative on the food..

Weddings do bring up the entire spirit of togetherness.. and for me – I am just enjoying seeing everyone hustle around and taking in as much as I can of my last few days at “my home”..