About this blog

Some feelings are best expressed when written.. It gives you the freedom to think and the ability to relive that moment.. so here I go scribbling all those random feelings I experience..

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Wonder why "GOOGLE " is so popular ???







coz they start rite from the "ROOT"

Monday, August 18, 2008

Once a speed breaker now a trench..

A little drizzle of rain and there go the roads in pune.. a few days back what was a really big speed breaker (ofcourse suddenly emerged), has now turned into a big trench (this too in a nights time).. both surfing the same purpose of causing a traffic jam (this is because people tend to avoid either).. except the consequences are different.. in the first place its vehicles skidding and the later people tripping off vehicles :)..

Its strange but never understood whom do we blame, the road construction companies which use cheap material and no technique for the construction or the government who clearly ignores the quality and continues giving these companies contracts or then our own selves who adjust to the roads and just mutter a few gali’s heard only by ourselves..

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I am not sure if it’s the weather or the urge to understand the people in this office a little more, that led me to join another trek (this is specially because I hate walking).. whatever be the reason I was here at Shivneri having a gala time.. the weather was just perfect, breezy with rain just drizzling enough to tickle your body.. and the company was just as enthusiastic as me..

I have tried to show a snapshot of my very trek with this new lot of people here.. hope I have done justice to the fun we had.. :)

(have been trying to upload it since morning.. but having trouble with the speed here.. will upload it soon for you to see.. )

Friday, August 8, 2008

The I-G-N-O-R-E mantra..

I am sure all of us face situations or meet people in life who just make you feel even more irritated.. there are en-number of gossips that people talk about, even if you do or don’t do things, creating a discomfort.. the guru mantra is I-G-N-O-R-E.. It works perfectly well and makes the other person wonder if you are totally insane (who cares).. haha..

Count on it as a management mantra for a happy and chilled out life.. and this comes purely from experience so ought to be perfect..